Terry Fox: Inspiration in Action Lesson Plans
The Terry Fox: Inspiration in Action Lesson Plans are for educators across the province to support young learners from Grades 4 to 7. Students can explore Terry’s life story through a new lens, examining his family’s Métis ancestry – while further exploring what it means to be Métis.
A collaboration between the BC Sports Hall of Fame; the Terry Fox family; Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Council (I·SPARC); Métis Nation of British Columbia (MNBC); and the Coquitlam School District (SD43) provides an insight into Terry Fox’s Métis heritage through the development of a series of lesson plans for young learners.

Witness Blanket
The Witness Blanket, a large-scale art installation by Carey Newman, was created as a way to recognize the atrocities of the Residential School system and represent ongoing reconciliation in Canada. Through visiting communities across Canada, over 800 items were gathered for the Blanket from survivors, families, governments, friendship centres and even Residential School sites. It was first displayed at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in 2015.
In 2022, a digitized version of the Witness Blanket was launched in partnership between Carey Newman, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Media One, and Animikii Indigenous Technology. The digital Blanket includes survivors sharing their stories and testimonies from their experience while attending Residential Schools.
School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy Project
The School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project is a school based health promotion program for BC elementary schools developed and evaluated by Sport for Life, Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Council, Childhood Obesity Foundation, and Physical Health Education Canada/British Columbia,. Providing professional development for educators to increase confidence in delivering physical activity and physical literacy opportunities at school.
The project has created resources to support Indigenous students in a culturally safe way and increase educators knowledge on Indigenous health and wellness. This includes resources that link cultural activities and games, like Métis jigging, lacrosse, and two foot high kick, with physical literacy and the First Peoples’ Principles of Learning.