Author: BC Sports Hall of Fame
Published: August 16th, 2024
Partnering with Pacific Coastal Airlines providing access to Indigenous communities
We are proud to partner with Pacific Coastal Airlines as the official flight partner for the BC Sports Hall of Fame. As part of the Hall’s Hero in You educational program, we travel to schools and communities across BC alongside our featured athletes and honoured members to share their stories. With Pacific Coastal Airlines’ commitment to supporting Indigenous peoples and the communities they serve, our collaborative partnership helps to enable the sharing of the stories of the Indigenous Sport Gallery.
With 18 airport destinations, Pacific Coastal Airlines provides access to many Indigenous communities across the province. A few of the athletes featured in the Indigenous Sport Gallery from communities along Pacific Coastal flight routes include:
- – Carey Price, ice hockey goaltender of the Ulkatcho First Nation, with access via Anahim Lake airport
- – Phil Mack, rugby player of the Toquaht Nation, with access via Tofino airport
- – Reg Underwood, softball player of the Tsawout First Nation, with access via Victoria airport
- – Spencer O’Brien, snowboarder of the Haida Nation, with access via Masset airport
Explore more of the Nations our featured athletes are from with the interactive map here.
And stay tuned for more content to be shared as we get closer to embarking on the educational tour across the province in partnership with Pacific Coastal Airlines.
View AllDec 2nd, 2024
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Cette semaine marque la 32e Journée internationale des personnes handicapées (JIPH), fondée par les Nations Unies en 1992. La JIPH a été créée pour célébrer les personnes vivant dans le monde avec un handicap et représente les actions que nous, citoyens du monde, devons entreprendre pour créer des communautés diverses et tolérantes.
Dec 2nd, 2024
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
This week marks the 32nd International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPWD), founded by the United Nations in 1992. IDPWD was created to celebrate people living around the world with disabilities and represents the actions that we as global citizens need to take to create diverse and accepting communities.
Nov 5th, 2024
Journée des anciens combattants autochtones
Malgré les injustices et l’oppression systémique auxquelles les peuples autochtones ont été confrontés en raison de la colonisation, plus de 12,000 membres des Premières Nations, Métis et Inuits ont servi dans les efforts militaires du Canada.